Get Your Moxie Up
If you didn’t know, you can sign up for my newsletter and I will send you the image in this video to download for free. For art and bits of encouragement that gets your moxie up, sign up. What do you have to lose? Snapinsta.app_video_AQNajIf2YVzoebwowpp8aHcAjxI_FFpMCzv4bbDZGEWTGIyMKvD1yjDqmCY-0DqlG8ytHBy4t8bBCee-VfY2XL_f3Zq4rKH9cIgkS5A
Start your day with your head in the clouds. Ok, so not really. Keep your eyes on the prize and your thoughts on your blessings.
Never see failure as problematic. Get back up. Go be great.
You have the power to create yourself happy. Go for it.
Just thought I’d share something from @herpowerwithin. This image and blurb is fantastic. I hope it speaks to you.
Isn’t this the best? Stay focused on the positive and there will be no room for the negative.
I copied this from @elite.mindsets I absolutely love it. I hope you do, too.
Never under estimate what you can do. Power lies in persistence.
It’s how you grow! Comfort is where dreams go to die. You can do it.
Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.-Maya Angelou And you won’t get very far without consistency. Improvement in anything takes daily practice. I’m still working on this one.